City of Denton, TX
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City of Denton, TX
City Council on 2024-10-15 2:00 PM
Meeting Time: October 15, 2024 at 2:00pm CDT
Closed for Comment October 15, 2024 at 2:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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A. DCA24-0010a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas amending the Denton Development Code Subchapter 2. Administration and Procedures and Creating Section 2.12 Affordable Housing Development Incentive Program; waiving, modifying, and establishing requirements; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [4-0] to recommend approval of the amendment. Motion for approval by Vice-Chair Pruett and second by Commissioner Cole. (DCA24-0010, Affordability Incentives, Leia Atkinson).
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Staff Analysis
Exhibit 3 - Draft of Section 2.12 Affordability Incentive Procedures
Exhibit 4 - Draft Ordinance
Exhibit 5 - Presentation
B. PD24-0002a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas regarding a change in the zoning district and use classification on approximately 25.96 acres of land from a Residential 2 (R2) district to a Planned Development (PD) with Mixed-Use Neighborhood (PD-MN) and Public Facilities (PD-PF) base zoning districts. The site is generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of North Elm Street and North Locust Street in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing for severability and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [3-2] to recommend approval. Motion for approval by Commissioner Pruett and second by Chair Ellis. (PD24-0002a, Jefferson North Elm, Ashley Ekstedt)
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Staff Analysis
Exhibit 3 - Site Location Map
Exhibit 4 - Current Zoning Map
Exhibit 5 - Future Land Use Map
Exhibit 6 - Proposed Zoning Map
Exhibit 7 - Applicant Project Narrative
Exhibit 8 - PD Development Standards
Exhibit 9 - PD Zoning Plan
Exhibit 10 - PD Development Plan
Exhibit 11 - PD Landscape Plan
Exhibit 12 - PD Building Elevations
Exhibit 13 - Notification Map and Responses
Exhibit 14 - Neighborhood Meeting Summaries
Exhibit 15 - Fiscal Impact Analysis
Exhibit 16 - Draft Ordinance
Exhibit 17 - Staff Presentation
C. A24-0003a Hold a public hearing and consider a petition for voluntary annexation of approximately 0.039 acres of land, generally located west of Teasley Lane and approximately 170 feet north of Leatherwood Lane. (A24-0003a, 5702 Teasley Lane, Mia Hines)
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Site Location Map
Exhibit 3 - Future Land Use Map
Exhibit 4 - Current Zoning Map
Exhibit 5 - Presentation
D. ID 24-1931 Conduct the first of two public hearings of the City of Denton, Texas regarding the adoption of a strategic partnership agreement between the City of Denton and Legends Ranch Municipal Utility District of Denton County.
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Strategic Partnership Agreement
Exhibit 3 - Presentation
E. PD24-0004b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas regarding a change in the zoning district and use classification from Residential 3 (R3) District to a Planned Development with a base district of Residential 6 (PD-R6) on approximately 12.1 acres of land generally located north of East McKinney Street, south of Paisley Street, approximately 1,200 feet east of the intersection of East McKinney Street and Mack Drive, in the city of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the city's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4-1) to recommend denial of the request. Motion for denial by Commissioner Villareal and second by Commissioner Padron. DUE TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION OF DENIAL, A SUPERMAJORITY VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IS REQUIRED TO APPROVE THIS ITEM. (PD24-0004b, Villages on McKinney, Julie Wyatt)
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Staff Analysis
Exhibit 3 - Site Location Map
Exhibit 4 - Zoning Map
Exhibit 5 - Future Land Use Map
Exhibit 6 - PD Development Regulations
Exhibit 7 - PD Development Plan
Exhibit 8 - Applicant's Citizen Participation Report
Exhibit 9 - LLC Members List
Exhibit 10 - Fiscal Impact Summary
Exhibit 11 - Notification Map and Responses
Exhibit 12 - Presentation
Exhibit 13 - Draft Ordinance
A. ID 24-1647 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton amending certain provisions of Chapter 17 of the Denton Property Maintenance Code including but not limited to Art. I. Sec. 17-2 definitions by incorporating or updating the definitions of "Appraised value," "Approved," "Building," "Building official," "Conviction," "Chronic offender," "Dangerous structure," "Code enforcement officer," "Demolish," "Diligent effort," "Minimum housing standards," "Notice party(ties)," "Securing," "Structure," "Vacant" by repealing the definition "Code official", and modifying Sections 17-2, 17-142, 17-143, 17-144, 17-158, 17-167, and 17-168 to remove references to "Code official;" and by amending Art. I. Sec. 17-3. Enforcement by replacing 17-3(a), and 17-3(b), and by creating 17-3(c); and creating 17-4, Penalties; and amending Article II. Noise and Odors by removing "and odors" and repealing Art. II. Sec. 17-21. Odors; and amending Article IV. Grass, Weeds, and Other Vegetation. Sec. 17-40.; and amending Art. VIII. Fences. Sec. 17-80. to repeal part (c); and by amending Section 17-101(a) Parking Nuisances to repeal (3); and by repealing and replacing Art. XIII. Buildings and Building Regulations. Division 3. Dangerous structures; providing for a severability clause; providing for a savings clause; providing for a penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - HABSCo Letter
Exhibit 3 - DPMC Ch 17 - Redline
Exhibit 4 - Draft Ordinance
Exhibit 5 - Presentation
B. ID 24-1662 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton to declare the intent to reimburse capital program expenditures of General Government ($165,176,270), the Solid Waste Utility ($11,125,711), the Water Utility ($58,897,004), the Wastewater Utility ($71,672,868), and the Electric Utility ($74,977,730) with Tax-Preferred Obligations (Certificates of Obligation and General Obligation Bonds) with an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed $381,849,583; and providing an effective date.
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Ordinance
Exhibit 3 - Presentation
C. A24-0003b Conduct the first of two readings of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, annexing approximately 0.039 acres of land, generally located west of Teasley Lane and approximately 170 feet north of Leatherwood Lane to the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; providing for a correction to the City map to include the annexed land; and providing for a savings clause and an effective date. (A24-0003b, 5702 Teasley Lane, Mia Hines)
Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet
Exhibit 2 - Site Location Map
Exhibit 3 - Future Land Use Map
Exhibit 4 - Current Zoning Map
Exhibit 5 - Draft Annexation Ordinance UPDATED
Exhibit 6 - Presentation
A. Under Section 551.042 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, respond to inquiries from the City Council or the public with specific factual information or recitation of policy, or accept a proposal to place the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting AND Under Section 551.0415 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, provide reports about items of community interest regarding which no action will be taken, to include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; or an announcement involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. B. Possible Continuation of Closed Meeting topics, above posted.
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the official website ( and bulletin board at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, on October 11, 2024, in advance of the 72-hour posting deadline, as applicable, and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
__________________________________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY
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