B. PD24-0002a Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas regarding a change in the zoning district and use classification on approximately 25.96 acres of land from a Residential 2 (R2) district to a Planned Development (PD) with Mixed-Use Neighborhood (PD-MN) and Public Facilities (PD-PF) base zoning districts. The site is generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of North Elm Street and North Locust Street in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing for severability and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [3-2] to recommend approval. Motion for approval by Commissioner Pruett and second by Chair Ellis. (PD24-0002a, Jefferson North Elm, Ashley Ekstedt)
Mixed use neighborhoods make better use of acreage in terms of population density, housing availability, utility and road maintenance costs, and property tax revenue generated. I strongly support the adoption of this ordinance and it's long term affects on the health of our community.
It seems that all parties involved have negotiated and come to a consensus that satisfies all involved. I hope that council will have the presence of mind to understand that such consensus comes all too rarely, and that it would be a huge waste of valuable community input to dismiss the plan put forward. Please vote to approve this and let us welcome our new neighbors into the great city of Denton.
I am writing in support of this project, as it aligns perfectly with our Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The plan calls for the promotion of infill development and locating residents close to existing services, and by building a community for 1,100 new residents close to stores, libraries, and existing schools would go a long way towards realizing that vision.
I support this rezoning as it aligns with the Denton 2040 Comp Plan. To provide housing for 1100 new residents within walking and biking distance of multiple businesses, parks, schools, and other amenities is incredible.
I support this because it:
- Is near two schools, a park, a library, a trail, bike lanes and a bus route. This is exactly where infill projects should go. It provides residents the opportunity to walk, bike or use the bus for some trips instead of driving for every trip. This reduces car traffic, emissions, and wear and tear on our roads.
- Preserves more trees and greenspace by building upward instead of outward.
- Aligns with our comp plan, which calls for infill to reduce sprawl.
I support the adoption of this ordinance because the plan has the support of Celia Reid, one of the previous owners of the property. I also like that it will preserve the existing tree grove, acknowledge the history of the land, while still providing much needed housing and pedestrian & bicycle paths.
I support this mixed-use planned development to help encourage walkability within Denton
Mixed use neighborhoods make better use of acreage in terms of population density, housing availability, utility and road maintenance costs, and property tax revenue generated. I strongly support the adoption of this ordinance and it's long term affects on the health of our community.
It seems that all parties involved have negotiated and come to a consensus that satisfies all involved. I hope that council will have the presence of mind to understand that such consensus comes all too rarely, and that it would be a huge waste of valuable community input to dismiss the plan put forward. Please vote to approve this and let us welcome our new neighbors into the great city of Denton.
I support this project as it follows the city's plan.
I am writing in support of this project, as it aligns perfectly with our Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The plan calls for the promotion of infill development and locating residents close to existing services, and by building a community for 1,100 new residents close to stores, libraries, and existing schools would go a long way towards realizing that vision.
I support this rezoning as it aligns with the Denton 2040 Comp Plan. To provide housing for 1100 new residents within walking and biking distance of multiple businesses, parks, schools, and other amenities is incredible.
Let's welcome new neighbors!
I support this because it:
- Is near two schools, a park, a library, a trail, bike lanes and a bus route. This is exactly where infill projects should go. It provides residents the opportunity to walk, bike or use the bus for some trips instead of driving for every trip. This reduces car traffic, emissions, and wear and tear on our roads.
- Preserves more trees and greenspace by building upward instead of outward.
- Aligns with our comp plan, which calls for infill to reduce sprawl.
I support this ordinance because Denton deeply needs more urban housing that allows for varied transportation (walking, public transportation).
I support the adoption of this ordinance because the plan has the support of Celia Reid, one of the previous owners of the property. I also like that it will preserve the existing tree grove, acknowledge the history of the land, while still providing much needed housing and pedestrian & bicycle paths.