A. ID 24-376 Consider a motion to reconsider the February 6, 2023 approval of a resolution of the City of Denton supporting Denton Affordable Housing Corporation's 9% housing tax credit application to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for proposed new construction of the Stella Haven Apartments to provide affordable rental housing; committing to provide fee reductions in an amount of $500.00; and providing an effective date.
I support the motion to reconsider the approval regarding the Stella Haven development. This site is clearly too small and too close to neighboring homes for the proposed three story complex and parking garage. There is also inadequate outdoor space for tenants and their kids. In addition, the additional traffic to an already congested area will be an issue for both tenants and nearby residents.
I am in support of: Council to consider a motion to reconsider the February 6, 2023 approval of a resolution of the City of Denton supporting Denton Affordable Housing Corporation's 9% housing tax credit application to Texas Department of Housing
I support the motion to reconsider the Stella Haven development project. I am a Homeowner in the area. I was not notified of this plan to build taxpayer subsidized apartments. I am opposed to such project. Please consider the negative impact on current Homeowners and potential delays in Emergency Services to our neighborhoods. This area of Denton already suffers from congestion and frequent accidents.
I support the motion to reconsider. This is not the location that we should be building this structure. We all want to help our fellow citizens, but we must choose a site that is not forced on a group of long-time residents that will undoubtedly reduce property values, negatively affect curb appeal and provide significantly increased traffic in the immediate vicinity of this apartment complex.
I oppose the motion to reconsider. This motion is a political move in bad faith. I own a home in Sundown Ranch and since the community met with the developer many of the residents changed their mind. The motion has nothing to do with the merits of the developer's application which was considered and approved on Feb 6. This motion disregards the City's own plan and its relationship with the Denton Affordable Housing Corporation. It is about the Mayor courting the votes of Sundown Ranch residents.
We were never informed because the developer did not have the right email address, therefore we beg the council to reconsider since we were never notified, thank you.
I support the motion to reconsider the approval of the Stella Haven project.
ID 24-376 Consider a motion to reconsider the February 6, 2023 resolution approval
I suppose the motion to reconsider the approval of the Stella Haven apartments.
I support the motion to reconsider the approval of the Stella Haven project.
I support the motion to reconsider the approval regarding the Stella Haven development. This site is clearly too small and too close to neighboring homes for the proposed three story complex and parking garage. There is also inadequate outdoor space for tenants and their kids. In addition, the additional traffic to an already congested area will be an issue for both tenants and nearby residents.
I am in support of: Council to consider a motion to reconsider the February 6, 2023 approval of a resolution of the City of Denton supporting Denton Affordable Housing Corporation's 9% housing tax credit application to Texas Department of Housing
I support a revote.
I support the motion to reconsider the approval of the Stella Haven project
I support the motion to reconsider the Stella Haven development project. I am a Homeowner in the area. I was not notified of this plan to build taxpayer subsidized apartments. I am opposed to such project. Please consider the negative impact on current Homeowners and potential delays in Emergency Services to our neighborhoods. This area of Denton already suffers from congestion and frequent accidents.
I support the motion to reconsider
I support the motion to reconsider the approval of the Stella Haven project.
I support the motion to reconsider. This is not the location that we should be building this structure. We all want to help our fellow citizens, but we must choose a site that is not forced on a group of long-time residents that will undoubtedly reduce property values, negatively affect curb appeal and provide significantly increased traffic in the immediate vicinity of this apartment complex.
I support the motion to vote to re-vote. Sundown Ranch was not informed until just days before Feb 6th.
I oppose the motion to reconsider. This motion is a political move in bad faith. I own a home in Sundown Ranch and since the community met with the developer many of the residents changed their mind. The motion has nothing to do with the merits of the developer's application which was considered and approved on Feb 6. This motion disregards the City's own plan and its relationship with the Denton Affordable Housing Corporation. It is about the Mayor courting the votes of Sundown Ranch residents.
I support the motion to reconsider Stella Haven development on the Sundown Ranch subdivision.
Please revote because we did not have the full input for our neighborhood.
I support the motion to reconsider the Stella Haven development on the Sundown Ranch subdivision
I support the motion to reconsider the construction of the Stella Haven Apartments.
I support the motion to revisit the approval.
We were never informed because the developer did not have the right email address, therefore we beg the council to reconsider since we were never notified, thank you.