Meeting Time: June 28, 2022 at 2:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

F. ID 22-1275 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton affirming the rights of individuals to make private reproductive decisions and deprioritizing use of City resources for investigation or enforcement of laws related to reproductive healthcare; and providing an effective date.

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    Elizabeth Ashmore about 2 years ago

    I support this proposal to affirm the rights of individuals to make reproductive health decisions and to deprioritize of city resources for investigation or enforcement of laws related to reproductive health care.

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    Jordan Adams about 2 years ago

    I fully support this please pass for reproductive freedom

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    Jessica West about 2 years ago

    I sign and support.

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    Kamyon Conner about 2 years ago

    I support and urge Denton City council to vote to deprioritize using city resources to investigate, prosecute or criminalize people for thier pregnancy outcomes. No one should be targeted for any pregnancy outcome including abortion.

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    Sara Nickell about 2 years ago

    I fully support this resolution. Investigating or prosecuting details of a citizen’s private health decisions and outcomes is a waste of our communities resources and instead makes the city a less safe place.

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    Keara Soller about 2 years ago

    I support reproductive rights! Please prevent the deaths of people with medical complications and etopic pregnancies

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    Kasidy Wheel about 2 years ago

    I am in full support of not only deprioritization, but full decriminalization of abortions in Denton. It is a right and decision that should be considered personal and private to the individuals seeking care and should not be controlled or investigated by police or the local government.

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    Nola Kemp about 2 years ago

    Please pass the resolution. Reproductive freedom is a human right.

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    Abbie Dehring about 2 years ago

    As a public health professional and reproductive health educator, I beg you to decriminalize and deprioritize the investigation and enforcement of abortion bans within the city of Denton. The state of Texas has a maternal mortality rate way higher than the national average and the United States has one of the worst MMR’s in the world among high income countries. Anti-abortion legislation will only drive this statistics higher and worsen maternal health, particularly for black women.

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    Sarah Guenther about 2 years ago

    Abortion is a right that should not be dictated by certain people's religious beliefs. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom to impose your religious beliefs on others. I urge city council to vote in favor of this resolution.

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    Jessica Mortensen about 2 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support the deprioritization of city resources being used by the state government in their attempts to deny us of our rights.

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    Andrew Kuehm about 2 years ago

    I unequivocally support this resolution as abortion is a healthcare option and the decision should be left entirely to the individual that it impacts. I urge you to stand with the majority who support bodily autonomy by approving this resolution.

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    Mary Burke about 2 years ago

    I am writing in support of this resolution because everyone deserves access to safe healthcare, and no one deserves to be forced to endure pregnancy and childbirth against their will. Without this access, people will die.
    I am asking you to use your position of power to prevent people from dying.

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    Kelly Evans about 2 years ago

    Denton should not prioritize resources for investigating or enforcing laws related to reproductive healthcare in the midst of the deeply politicized, polarized shifts of the Supreme Court decision. The overturning of Roe v. Wade shakes precedent and undermines the integrity of the court, and until that is settled, Denton ought to refrain from interfering with healthcare decisions. (Even after, Denton ought not interfere with abortion rights.) Instead put resources where we need them most.

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    Tim Kean about 2 years ago

    We should be free from having others' religion forced upon us.

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    Dylan Kellam about 2 years ago

    Abortion is health care. With the overturning of RvW access to critical care and the right to bodily autonomy are putting the lives, health and safety of Dentonites in jeopardy. City council has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of the people of Denton and ensure that anyone who needs abortion can have an abortion.

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    James Jackson about 2 years ago

    SCOTUS overturned decades of precedent establishing federal protections for the right to abortion. Since the release of the decision, obtaining an abortion in Texas is no longer accessible to your constituents. We should all be able to freely make the personal health care decisions that impact our lives, health, & futures. It is imperative that we act as quickly as possible to ensure that our community feels safe & secure in accessing reproductive healthcare needs including access to abortion.

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    Krystal Stroud about 2 years ago

    Please vote in support of this resolution. People deserve to make decisions regarding their own reproductive healthcare and wellbeing without fear or government interference. This is in the best interest of the people of Denton.

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    Robert Christian about 2 years ago

    I fully support this resolution and plead that City Council vote in favor of Council Member Maguire’s resolution as well. So many lives are at stake, please protect the citizens that voted you into office.

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    Ophelia Hamm about 2 years ago

    Forced birth is a human rights violation. Please pass this resolution to protect the lives, choices and freedoms of people with uteruses and keep them from being criminalized simply for doing what is right for them.