Meeting Time: December 17, 2024 at 2:00pm CST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. ID 24-508 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Community Services Advisory Committee, Health & Building Standards Commission, Library Board, Planning & Zoning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment.

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    Alexa Frederick 21 days ago

    I oppose the nomination of Majel Quinn Sullivan to the library board. Ms. Sullivan's positionality on libraries and freedom to access information is unclear and not publicly available. Furthermore, Ms. Sullivan has personal ties to Michael Quinn Sullivan, the publisher of the Texas Scorecard. The Texas Scorecard calls for book banning, which restricts First Amendment rights. I want a nominee that openly supports librarians, libraries and First Amendment rights for the Denton community.

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    Abbie Beck 21 days ago

    I strongly oppose the nomination of Majel Quinn Sullivan to the library board due to her strong political motivations and lack of prior experience with public libraries. Denton must have knowledgeable advocates for our libraries in these positions!

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    Sarah Moore 21 days ago

    Please oppose the nomination of Ms. Sullivan to the Library Board. Denton needs qualified library professionals who are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of Denton Public Libraries as places where information and resources are freely accessible to everyone, promoting learning and critical thinking without restrictions. Ms. Sullivan is not the right person for this job. Please oppose this nomination.

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    Stephanie Vaughn 22 days ago

    I urge the city council to oppose the Mayor's nomination to the library board. The Mayor's nominee has personal ties to the pro-book-banning Christian Nationalist organization Texas Scorecard. This is yet another nomination from the Mayor with a specific political agenda that is completely at odds with the integrity of Denton's wonderful public libraries. The board of a public library should be staffed with qualified library professionals who will defend and protect our intellectual freedoms.