Meeting Time: September 24, 2024 at 2:00pm CDT
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Agenda Item

A. ID 24-502 Consider nominations/appointments to the City's Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Board of Ethics, Health & Building Standards Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Art Committee, Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee, and Zoning Board of Adjustment.

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    Jacob Arnold at September 24, 2024 at 1:43pm CDT

    I strongly oppose the appointment of Debi Scaggs to our library board. Now more than ever, our community needs individuals who will bring us together. Open access to literature helps us learn to live alongside one another. Restricting its public access based on personal values only creates more division. We need someone on the board who will ethically and equitably serve our community. Debi Scaggs has proven through her public initiatives that she is not willing to be that person.

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    Stephanie Vaughn at September 24, 2024 at 1:06pm CDT

    Unqualified censors with extremist ideological agendas have no place on the board of a PUBLIC LIBRARY. Scaggs challenged 90+ books while using hateful rhetoric and fake statistics against LGBT people. Public libraries already face harassment and threats of closure due to censorship groups like Moms for Liberty. This nomination insults the integrity of Denton's libraries and the library professionals dedicated to protecting our intellectual freedoms. Please do what's best for Denton and vote NO!

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    Oren Bruton at September 24, 2024 at 12:51pm CDT

    I fervently oppose the appointment of Debi Scaggs to library board. Her extremist book banning values should uniquely disqualify her from such a position. She is does not represent the values of ordinary Dentonites.

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    Ed Soph at September 24, 2024 at 11:39am CDT

    A person who has urged the banning of books in our schools has no business being on our city's PUBLIC library board.

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    Cain Douglass at September 24, 2024 at 11:39am CDT

    I strongly oppose the nomination of Debi Scaggs to the library board. She's made clear she holds an active hatred for her community outside of a comically narrow demographic and loudly holds concerning ideas about books and what should be done with the ones her ideology has decided are "dangerous." Book banners and book burners have NO place near a library, least of all a library board.

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    Daniel Krutka at September 24, 2024 at 11:25am CDT

    I oppose Gerard Hudspeth's nomination of Debi Scaggs to the Library Board. Debi has proven in word and action that she is hateful toward community members. She believes in forcing her narrow-minded beliefs on others. Denton should be a place where people can live with differences. Placing a book banner on the Library Board is an insult to librarians, flames hateful culture wars in Denton, and targets vulnerable queer and transgender populations in our community. She's also incompetent. Thank you

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    Clint West at September 24, 2024 at 9:25am CDT

    I strongly oppose the nomination of Debi Scaggs. She is a book burning zealot.

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    Chris Lam at September 24, 2024 at 9:13am CDT

    I oppose Debi Scaggs for library board. It is clear that she is a LOSER who lost by almost 30 points, which means the public DOES NOT SUPPORT her extremist views. But, Mayor Hudspeth likes to play partisan politics. He could nominate ANYONE and chooses someone who has WASTED tax payer dollars with over 100 book ban requests.

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    Shawn Baker at September 24, 2024 at 9:04am CDT

    Debi Scaggs has publicly and explicitly seeked the political power to ban books in Denton ISD for personal ideological reasons. This obviously disqualifies her from a position on the Library Board, regardless of which side of political divides she is on. Fear of books reveals a deeply fragile worldview that renders someone unqualified for leadership, most especially for libraries.

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    Jenn Sansing at September 24, 2024 at 7:54am CDT

    I oppose the nomination of Debi Scaggs to the Library Board. In 1998, I had the honor of working under Linda Hughes, a librarian who stood up against censorship so that LGBTQIA+ families could have representation in their public library reading material. She and her family faced death threats in order to protect the First Amendment. Whatever qualities Debi Scaggs may have, I do not trust that she will stand up for the First Amendment based on her past behavior and thus I oppose her nomination.

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    Eliezer Dobrin at September 23, 2024 at 10:00pm CDT

    I strongly oppose Scagg's nomination. Someone who wants to ban books based upon their own religious views has no place anywhere near a library board. She does not hold the diverse community values that Denton embodies. Rather, she seeks to impose her own narrow worldview on my fellow citizens. Her bigoted beliefs have no place in a modern, diverse society. I'm proud to be from Denton, and want to do what I can to make sure this is a safe and secure place for all, not just one type of person.

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    Steven Douglass at September 23, 2024 at 9:06pm CDT

    Oppose scaggs. She does not uphold the community character I stay here for. I'd be back home if I wanted anti queer activists in my govt

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    Chris Corby at September 23, 2024 at 8:02pm CDT

    Debbi Scaggs ran for disd school board unsuccessfully on a platform of banning books. The idea that she would be a good candidate for the library board is ludicrous. The fact that she was nominated by Gerard Hudspeth is further proof that he does not act in the best interest of our town, and is just another partisan hack. NO to Debbi Scaggs!

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    Abbie Beck at September 23, 2024 at 4:26pm CDT

    I strongly OPPOSE the nomination of Scaggs for the library board. Our libraries should be a place for free thought and expression for all citizens. Scaggs has asked for books to be pulled and removed from circulation based upon her personal and religious beliefs. She has also expressed negative and bigoted opinions about our LGBTQ citizens. Scaggs is not qualified to represent our community on the library board!