B. MPA24-0001a Hold a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to City Council regarding a city-initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment to modify the 2022 Mobility Plan, including adding a Major Collector roadway functional classification to the Thoroughfare Plan and amending the Thoroughfare Plan Map to change the alignment of the 380 Connector and to extend East Windsor Drive across State Loop 288. The general area is located at the current terminus of East Windsor Drive, approximately 700 feet west of State Loop 288, south of Kings Row, and extending approximately 4,800 feet toward the east, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (MPA24-0001a, East Windsor Extension, Julie Wyatt)
I live on Windsor at Broken Bow. There is already a lot of speeding and cut through traffic on Windsor. You're welcome to come sit in my front yard during morning or afternoon rush hour to see for yourself. I oppose this but if this is done please add more traffic calming to Windsor. This extension plus the increasing traffic on 288 (and noise) could totally ruin this peaceful neighborhood.
A X-walk at a 200''+ wide six lane road with 60mph speed limits (TXDOT's 08/23 spec) is dangerous. The proposed intersection over a hill & curve is likely more dangerous, from 380 to Sherman.
The 110' ROW proposed on Windsor is a concerning feature that provides 4 lanes of traffic on Windsor inside the loop from 288 to Nette Schultz. Windsor, Old North, Dunes, & Nottingham cannot carry the traffic burden of NE Denton.
I live on Windsor at Broken Bow. There is already a lot of speeding and cut through traffic on Windsor. You're welcome to come sit in my front yard during morning or afternoon rush hour to see for yourself. I oppose this but if this is done please add more traffic calming to Windsor. This extension plus the increasing traffic on 288 (and noise) could totally ruin this peaceful neighborhood.
A X-walk at a 200''+ wide six lane road with 60mph speed limits (TXDOT's 08/23 spec) is dangerous. The proposed intersection over a hill & curve is likely more dangerous, from 380 to Sherman.
The 110' ROW proposed on Windsor is a concerning feature that provides 4 lanes of traffic on Windsor inside the loop from 288 to Nette Schultz. Windsor, Old North, Dunes, & Nottingham cannot carry the traffic burden of NE Denton.
Renegotiate this with TXDOT, it's permanent.