D. S21-0005b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, approving a Specific Use Permit to allow for a Multi-family Dwelling Use on approximately 4.019 acres of land, generally located 316 feet to the west of Teasley Lane, approximately 335 feet southwest of the intersection of Nowlin Road and Teasley Lane, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's Official Zoning Map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [4-2] to recommend approval of the request. Motion for approval by Commissioner Smith and second by Commissioner Cole. (S21-0005b, Teasley Lane Multifamily, Sean Jacobson)
Dear Members of the City Council,
Tommy's Express' supports the proposed multi-family building project adjacent to our business. As a neighboring business we believe that its approval will bring benefits including attracting new residents, potentially becoming customers for area businesses. We are excited about the potential of this project to enhance the area and encourage you to grant the conditional use permit.
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Kyle Freier
Please carefully consider the poor ingress and regress on this SUP. As a tax paying HOME OWNER in Lexington Park, I am opposed to a 3-4 story building bordering and towering over common areas and increasing maintenance cost for the pond, walking path and pool which is the responsibility of our small neighborhood. Denton is NOT short on land so there is no reason to allow a SUP for multi-family in this spot. The "Official Zoning Maps" are important. PLease maintain the small town feel.
I live in nearby Chaucer Estates and oppose this construction. It is in, or extremely close by, a flood plain. It is in an area which would lead to overcrowding and increased traffic. Apartments affect nearby property values, and we have several going up in the area as it is.
The streets already have a major increase in traffic and congestion, this only adds to it. We have removed so many land areas in our area, we are losing trees, natural waterways, potential park and animal habitats
I also live in Lexington Park. Along with the others I am concerned with the traffic, property values, as well as school over crowding. I am opposed to the building of another complex. There are already several others in the area.
I live in Lexington Park. I oppose the building of the multi-family units. My concerns are the same as previously mentioned, increased traffic, congestion, the proximity to our amenities, and the potential negative impact on property values.
Guidelines are there to protect citizens from unbridled development. This is a square peg/round hole, residential development without proper exits. All exits are through retail. It is simply a bad implementation of a good principle. To amplify the mistake by allowing a SUP to override guidelines and over densify this small property would be a disservice to the community you serve. This building simply does not belong. Please reject this SUP, protect the citizens from overreaching development.
I am a resident of Lexington Park. I oppose building a multi-family residence on this property due to concerns regarding traffic, congestion, proximity to HOA property amenities, and potential to reduce home values in the surrounding area. Although I recognize the need for additional housing options, several apartment complexes have been built nearby.
We the residents of Lexington Park oppose.
Dear Members of the City Council,
Tommy's Express' supports the proposed multi-family building project adjacent to our business. As a neighboring business we believe that its approval will bring benefits including attracting new residents, potentially becoming customers for area businesses. We are excited about the potential of this project to enhance the area and encourage you to grant the conditional use permit.
Tommy's Express Car Wash
Kyle Freier
Please carefully consider the poor ingress and regress on this SUP. As a tax paying HOME OWNER in Lexington Park, I am opposed to a 3-4 story building bordering and towering over common areas and increasing maintenance cost for the pond, walking path and pool which is the responsibility of our small neighborhood. Denton is NOT short on land so there is no reason to allow a SUP for multi-family in this spot. The "Official Zoning Maps" are important. PLease maintain the small town feel.
I live in nearby Chaucer Estates and oppose this construction. It is in, or extremely close by, a flood plain. It is in an area which would lead to overcrowding and increased traffic. Apartments affect nearby property values, and we have several going up in the area as it is.
The streets already have a major increase in traffic and congestion, this only adds to it. We have removed so many land areas in our area, we are losing trees, natural waterways, potential park and animal habitats
Not the right spot for an apt building. 4 acres. Surrounded by existing shopping and single family detached homes. The community says no.
I also live in Lexington Park. Along with the others I am concerned with the traffic, property values, as well as school over crowding. I am opposed to the building of another complex. There are already several others in the area.
I live in Lexington Park. I oppose the building of the multi-family units. My concerns are the same as previously mentioned, increased traffic, congestion, the proximity to our amenities, and the potential negative impact on property values.
Guidelines are there to protect citizens from unbridled development. This is a square peg/round hole, residential development without proper exits. All exits are through retail. It is simply a bad implementation of a good principle. To amplify the mistake by allowing a SUP to override guidelines and over densify this small property would be a disservice to the community you serve. This building simply does not belong. Please reject this SUP, protect the citizens from overreaching development.
I am a resident of Lexington Park. I oppose building a multi-family residence on this property due to concerns regarding traffic, congestion, proximity to HOA property amenities, and potential to reduce home values in the surrounding area. Although I recognize the need for additional housing options, several apartment complexes have been built nearby.