Meeting Time: April 12, 2023 at 5:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

A. PD21-0007c Hold a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to City Council regarding a request by Aimee Bisset, 97 Land Company, LLC., on behalf of the owner, Tony Riley, to rezone approximately 20.92 acres from a Suburban Corridor (SC) District to a Planned Development Mixed-Use Neighborhood (PD-MN) District. The site is generally located at the northeast corner of Loop 288 and FM 428, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (PD21-0007c, Sherman Drive Mixed Use, Angie Manglaris)

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    Shelly Meeks over 1 year ago

    This rezoning request is inconsistent with the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the wishes of the community members impacted by it. There was a clear theme during the community meetings. Residents in this part of Denton don't want additional multi-family housing and all the safety concerns this development will create on our roads. The information provided by the developer lacks transparency about the full impact to our neighborhoods. Please honor the wishes of the residents and vote no.

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    Ned Woodbridge over 1 year ago

    This should be denied because (1) it violates the Denton 2040 Plan & incompat. w/ adj. landuse, (2) a PD here adds no value, simply circumventing the Comp Plan, (3) it will engender unsafe traffic conditions, (4) inadequate bike/pedestrian accommodation, and (5) the community opposes it. This mixed use PD with 82% multifamily fails the Comp Plan "Community Mixed Use" definition and fails community desires for the area as expressed in the NE Denton Area Plan Community input meetings 3/23 & 3/25.

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    Corey Thompson over 1 year ago

    We don't believe this meets requirements for Commercial Mixed Use per Future Land Use Map and 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Traffic Impact Analysis from July '21 is inaccurate, and the proposed driveways are dangerous and not TxDOT compliant. Splitting the request from the 4.56 acre commercial development masks the actual impact on our community. More apartments is very inconsistent with community feedback on the NE Denton Area Plan. We strongly oppose this rezoning and urge you to do the same.

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    Emily and Spencer McFarling over 1 year ago

    We live off of Hartlee Field Road. FM 428 and Loop 288 traffic is already horrible and dangerous. There should not be dense housing or any driveway/entries between 288 and Hartlee Field Rd, ever. There are no sidewalks or pedestrian bridges. We see kids walking from the south side of the loop in the summer to the water park on the north side of the loop along 428 and it is so dangerous and will at some point prove to be deadly. PLEASE Don't open the gates for more apartments in our area. Vote NO

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    Greg Graham over 1 year ago

    I live in the area affected by this planned development, and I'm opposed to the zoning change primarily because of the increased traffic on roads that are already inadequate for current usage. The proposed driveways in and out of the development are poorly placed, poorly spaced and will lead to a very congested and dangerous intersection at FM 428 and loop 288. With the existing neighborhoods, new housing,Water Works, NAT, football field and 2 schools, this would worsen a bad situation. Vote NO.

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    Robert Tickner over 1 year ago

    I oppose this PD. This quadrant of the City of Denton needs to be less dense with opportunities for larger single family homes for those who wish to step up in house size and type. Increased Traffic congestion with no evidence that new and additional traffic control improvements are being constructed as part of the proposed project. Need documentation by TXDOT for a Zoning Change. No good plan for traffic to turn southbound on FM428 safely from the proposed driveways or Hartlee Field Road.

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    Lauren Gulrich Bonenberger over 1 year ago

    Please keep this side of the loop less dense, no multifamily developments. The traffic in this area can't handle this increase and isn't necessary for this far north when there are plenty of newly added and upcoming multifamily projects on the other side of the loop where the atmosphere and infrastructure is more appropriate. Keep this hidden gem of Denton rural, open and most importantly SAFE!!!