Meeting Time: March 15, 2023 at 5:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. PD21-0007 Hold a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to City Council regarding a request by applicant, Aimee Bissett, 97 Land Company, LLC., to rezone approximately 20.92 acres from Suburban Corridor (SC) District to Planned Development Mixed-Use Neighborhood (PD-MN) District. The site is generally located at the northeast corner of Loop 288 and FM 428, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (PD21-0007, Sherman Drive Mixed Use, Angie Manglaris).

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    Trey Rozelle over 1 year ago

    Countless cyclists ride the shoulder of 428. The proposed traffic pattern promotes the use of the shoulder as a turn lane, drivers use the shoulder to accelerate/decelerate and compete with bicycles. The expectation or assertion that cyclists will turn into the apartments or compete with traffic on Sherman Rd. is unacceptable. The ideal bicycle infrastructure here is a buffered or protected bike lane that is not impacted by drivers, giving cyclists a place to be. Please reconsider.

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    Carolyn Smith over 1 year ago

    Proposed rezoning will result in significant, unacceptable, and dangerous increase in traffic. The TIA was based on inaccurate traffic counts taken during COVID and without regard to build out of other nearby developments already in process.

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    Ian Moore over 1 year ago

    As this section of road becomes more heavily developed it lacks the infrastructure to handle bicycle and pedestrian traffic. When looking at these plans it looks as if there is a narrowing of a shoulder that already has been narrowed in several locations creating unsafe use for cyclists and pedestrians. Please do not allow the continued development without allowing additional bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to be added.

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    Caleb McGuire over 1 year ago

    Recommend denial of zoning change. Current zoning of SC has been and remains appropriate for the intersection.

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    Brett Steward over 1 year ago

    The proposed density is much too high for that location to change the zoning to PD-MN. Traffic at that intersection during rush hours is already very high. I understand there are 2 driveways proposed in that very short section between Loop 288 and Hartlee Field Road on Sherman Drive. That will make this section very dangerous for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists.

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    Ellen Wall over 1 year ago

    This request to rezone should be denied for many reasons. The current zoning is appropriate for this area. A high-density PD-MN would only add to the traffic congestion that already exists. The previous traffic study was completed while many people were still working from home. A delay with a new study should be conducted. There are also issues with the proposed driveways. One being in a very hazardous area, on a blind hill. One being proposed under the current TxDOT regulations.

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    Carolyn Barnes over 1 year ago

    This item should be denied or at least delayed pending a new traffic study that reflects the current traffic conditions in this area. This study is from 2021, when 1) traffic was lower due to Covid, 2) there were no traffic lights at the Loop 288/Sherman Drive intersection and 3) the two DISD learning centers were not fully operational. It also doesn’t include Stark Farms, Stuart Ridge or Agave Ranch traffic. A new study - weekday rush hour, school release times - is needed.

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    Jacquelyn Thames over 1 year ago

    The zoning at this location should remain Suburban Corridor. A PD is not appropriate for this high traffic intersection. High density, multi-family units will create dangerous traffic hazards at the location of 2 heavy traffic, high speed roads (Loop 288 and Sherman Drive/FM 428). The City and P&Z should not be using PD zoning changes to circumvent the long-term zoning plans produced and codified by its citizens. Suburban Corridor is appropriate for this intersection.

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    Bud Vokoun over 1 year ago

    this only benefits the pocket of the developer