Meeting Time: March 01, 2023 at 5:00pm CST
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Agenda Item

D. PD22-0010b Consider a motion to reconsider the February 15, 2023 recommendation of denial of a zoning change from Planned Development - Mixed-Use Neighborhood (PD-MN) District to Planned Development-Suburban Corridor (PD-SC) District (File ID PD22-0010) for approximately 12.770 acres of land, generally located at the northwest and southwest corners of Teasley Lane (F.M. 2181) and Hunters Creek Road, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (PD22-0010b, Denton West Joint Venture, Mia Hines)

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    Catherine Ryden about 2 years ago

    A traffic light is desperately needed at the Teasley/Heights/Hunters Creek intersection! The only possible way to turn left onto SB Teasley Ln out of Summitt Oaks neighborhood requires the crossing of 4 lanes now with very poor visibility of oncoming traffic from the right. Esp. at night, when medians are impossible to see due to non-existent streetlights, things become intolerably dangerous. The situation will become life-threatening once additional retail causes increased traffic.

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    Cheryl Benningfield about 2 years ago

    "I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd."

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    Carolyn Kinney about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and south bound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic.

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    Carolyn Kinney about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and south bound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic.

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    Tammie ManleyGurley about 2 years ago

    One CAN NOT get out of the subdivision UNLESS you nose your vehicle into the intersection (& I have a Tahoe.. what would small cars do) past the stop sign to see oncoming traffic going either left or right or across the intersection. There needs/has to be a traffic signal at the intersection of Teasley Lane & Hunters Creek Rd/Heights Blvd very soon to keep there from being additional vehicle accidents or worse! We can't wait until the development gets developed...too late at that point.

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    Bradford Davison about 2 years ago

    "I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd."

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    Kelvin Stroup about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and south bound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd.

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    Laurie LabueGurley about 2 years ago

    This intersection is dangers to families that live off Hunter's Creek and Heights Dr. While attempting to get across the highway is not for the faint. You must enter the intersection to see vehicles coming from Ryan Road and also checking from Ranchman to make sure you have clearance. The middle is not safe to even get half way across, so you have only a few seconds to hesitate. Please keep our safety! We desperately need a light.

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    Steven Shockley about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd.

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    Jacob Thompson about 2 years ago

    I will only support once a traffic signal has been installed at Teasley and Heights Blvd/Hunters Creek. Inviting more traffic to the area when crossing at that intersection is already treacherous, the question becomes WHEN and not IF a fatality will occur.

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    Toni Porter about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if a traffic light is put in for the intersection of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek, and Heights BLVD. It is too dangerous trying to turn left out of Summit Oaks onto Teasley!

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    Patrica Stevens about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if a traffic light is put in for the intersection of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek, and Heights blvd. It is too dangerous trying to turn left out of Summit Oaks onto Teasley and we care about our family!

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    Amber Mumford about 2 years ago

    We need a traffic light installed at the intersection of Teasley and Heights Blvd (aka Hunters Creek Rd.) The lack of a traffic light at this busy intersection is why I am opposed. If a traffic light is put in, then I would support the motion.

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    Julia Laney about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if a traffic light is put in for the intersection of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek, and Heights BLVD. It is too dangerous trying to turn left out of Summit Oaks onto Teasley!

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    Stephen Angliss about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of
    Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out
    into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to
    react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and
    pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd.

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    Alexandra Kneeling about 2 years ago

    A traffic light is desperately needed at the Teasley/Heights/Hunters Creek intersection! The only possible way to turn left onto SB Teasley Ln out of Summitt Oaks neighborhood requires the crossing of 4 lanes now with very poor visibility of oncoming traffic from the right. Esp. at night, when medians are impossible to see due to non-existent streetlights, things become intolerably dangerous. The situation will become life-threatening once additional retail causes increased traffic.

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    Jamie Lane about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. I have personally narrowly avoided being hit by oncoming traffic when making a left turn out of the subdivision. There is poor visibility of southbound traveling traffic and vehicles are often traveling over the speed limit. There have been several times it looks clear, and then halfway across, I am met with oncoming traffic.

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    Jake Black about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd.

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    Lauren Murphy about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd.

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    Lieschen Donham about 2 years ago

    I will only support this project if and when a traffic signal is in place for the intersections of Teasley Ln, Hunters Creek Rd and Heights Blvd. Vehicles exiting Summit Oaks Subdivision must pull out into oncoming traffic to see well enough to make a left or right turn. Vehicles have about 5 seconds to react to both north and southbound Teasley Ln oncoming traffic. Nelson Elementary school children and pedestrians are also in danger trying to crossover from Heights Blvd. to Hunters Creek Rd.