F. ZCP22-0039a Consider a request by O'Reilly Hotel Partners-Denton, LLC for approval of a Site Plan for a hotel within the Rayzor Ranch Overlay District, South Mixed-Use subarea, located on Lot 20R, Block A of Rayzor Ranch Town Center. This request also serves as an Alternative Development Plan to allow for deviation from Section 35.13.10.A.1.b of the 2002 Denton Development Code related to cross-access. The approximately 2.851-acre subject site is generally located at the northwest corner of Panhandle Street and Heritage Trail in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (ZCP22-0039a, Home 2 by Hilton, Mia Hines).
Under the RROD design standards, for building facades facing a public street a minimum of 60% of the exterior wall shall be brick or native/natural stone. Though no percentages of building materials are shown on the Conceptual Building Elevations, the majority of the facades appear to be EFIS rather than brick and/or stone.
Under the RROD design standards, for building facades facing a public street a minimum of 60% of the exterior wall shall be brick or native/natural stone. Though no percentages of building materials are shown on the Conceptual Building Elevations, the majority of the facades appear to be EFIS rather than brick and/or stone.