C. ID 22-2445 Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Denton naming building located at 3018 N. Bonnie Brae St. to Jane Malone Soccer Center; naming Audra property located at 1602 Audra Ln. to Audra Oaks park; naming Country Club Terrace property located at 5551 Country Club Rd. to Country Club Terrace; naming Laney property located at N. Trinity Rd. to Laney Lake Park; naming Mayhill property located at 2929 Spencer Rd. to Mayhill Preserve; naming tennis center property located at 1117 Riney Rd. to Denton Tennis Center; naming Parkside property located at 4800 block of Biddy Bye Ln. to Biddy Bye Park; naming Prose Prominence property located at 3300 block of Prose Prominence Pkwy. to Cooper Creek Park; naming Sagebrook property located at 6400 block Allred Rd. to Sagebrook Park; naming Villages of Carmel property located at 6000 Edwards Rd. to Villages of Carmel Park; naming Vintage Village property located at Vintage Blvd. to Tamarack Park; and declaring an effective date. The Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Board recommends approval (5-0).