Meeting Time: August 10, 2022 at 5:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. PE22-0001 Consider a request by Aimee Bissett with 97 Land Company on behalf of Agave Ranch Development LLC for approval of a preliminary plat extension for the Agave Ranch Addition. The approximately 92-acre site is generally located on the east side of East Sherman Drive (FM 428), approximately 1,465 feet north of Hartlee Field Road in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas. (PE22-0001, Agave Ranch, Julie Wyatt)

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    Stephen Arndt over 2 years ago

    The Agave Ranch plan that has been approved had neighborhood support. Increasing the density of homes and decreasing lot size would not provide an aesthetic transition from rural Hartlee Field Rd homes that we were told was specified in the plan. Current residents are concerned with maintaining a welcome home for our native habitat. Protect rural Denton!
    Please deny the extension of the preliminary plat and maintain the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

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    Bridget Marshall over 2 years ago

    The existing Prelim. Plat is a travesty of the zoning approval process & never should have happened. It is not the low-density transition NR2 & NR3 zoning to the rural area & existing neighborhood presented to & approved by P&Z & City Council in 2019. Deny the extension of the Prelim. Plat, & require a new plat that's in compliance with straight NR2/NR3 zoning per CC's 2019 approval; the DDC; Low Residential standards in the Denton 2040 Comp. Plan & FLUM; & the draft NE Denton Small Area Plan.

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    Mary Arndt over 2 years ago

    Plans to increase the proposed Agave Ranch development by decreasing lot sizes and increasing the number of homes that could be added to the area would negatively impact quality of life for this area. Please deny the PE22-oo1, Agave Ranch Preliminary Plat.

    We have limited water and power supply for this area. Sherman Drive traffic is often extreme. Safety is a concern. Local habitat is compromised with overcrowding. Please stick with the original approved Agave Ranch plan!

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    Brendan Kennelly over 2 years ago

    The developer's extension request for PE22-0001 should be denied on account of its incongruence with the plan originally approved by the city council, and the 2040 plan's lower density for this area. The developer should resubmit reflecting R2 and R3 density as already approved. Development in this area should respect the vision laid out by the area's draft small area plan, and fundamentally, should reflect a transparent approval process.

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    Cindy Simpson Davis over 2 years ago

    Please deny PE22-oo1, Agave Ranch Preliminary Plat extension and comply with the Denton 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The density and numerous other factors would not allow the NE area of Denton to remain rural. If Agave moves in with high density, what's next? Let's look at better transition with larger lots that would still make money, but not at the expense of the existing neighborhood. Please help keep this corner of Denton ecologically sound, safe from high traffic numbers and distinctive.

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    Ann Woodbridge over 2 years ago

    This was supposed to be a straight-zoned R2 and R3 lot development. The PD zoning was slipped through administratively in the city-wide rezoning in 2019, without public knowledge or opportunity for public input. The plan is for much denser development than what was presented and approved by P&Z and City Council as the appropriate zoning for a transition to the surrounding rural areas. The extension should be denied and sent back to be redone with R2 and R3 lots as approved.

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    Ned Woodbridge over 2 years ago

    The existing plat fails to meet the ordinance adopted by the City Council on 7/16/2019 which approved the project. That approval required R2/R3 zoning which this plat fails almost completely as to lot sizes and the other overlay conditions. This plan needs to be scrapped as being too far from CC requirements, the DDC, the comprehensive plan and draft Small Area Plan for area. The developer needs to start over entirely and submit a plan and plat in accordance with City Council requirements.