Meeting Time: May 03, 2022 at 4:00pm CDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

B. ID 22-254 Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, amending Chapter 22 "Parks and Recreation," by replacing the text of article III "Park Dedication" with updated text providing for new fees and dedication requirements for park land dedication or payment of cash in lieu as a condition to subdivision plat approval and providing for payment of park development fees as a condition to building permit issuance in order to provide for necessary park development, and providing for an effective date.

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    Tim Smith almost 3 years ago

    With the immense rising cost of land values in the COD in the 24 years since the last time our dedication and impact fees have been reviewed this change is needed more now than ever. Bond dollars do not need to be the only answer to the dearth of park land acquisitions that we must do to ensure that every citizen in the COD has access to a park in a 10-minute-walk radius. In-fill development continues to come before council and without immediate action this mission will be impossible to achieve.

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    Brooke Moore almost 3 years ago

    For 24 years our community has not increased its fees or land dedication requirements for new developments. I believe it's long past time to update these mandates for our City & it shouldn't be stalled any longer. Any lack of action will negatively impact how we contribute to our City's future parks & greenspaces, one of our most valuable resources. I support the staff, & the Advisory Board's recommendation to approve of the new methodology & proposed fees as well as the implementation timeline.