C. Z21-0018b Hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, regarding an amendment to the Rayzor Ranch Overlay District to amend the Landscape Plan and development standards for development within Lot 11 of the Rayzor Ranch North Addition, located within the Rayzor Ranch North Campus - Marketplace District, being approximately 14.974 acres generally located on the east side of interstate 35, approximately 600 feet north of the intersection of Interstate 35 and W University Drive in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas; adopting an amendment to the City's official zoning map; providing for a penalty in the maximum amount of $2,000.00 for violations thereof; providing a severability clause and an effective date. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted [7-0] to recommend approval the request. (Z21-0018b, Home Depot, Karina Maldonado)
I support the Landscape Plan amendment as presented by applicant, with the landscape buffer on the north side and no connection to Colonial Drive nor Greenway Drive. Residents along Thunderbird Drive and Crest Meadow St. have in the past been very sensitive to increased through traffic. The design of Rayzor Ranch Marketplace intends for north neighborhoods to connect via Bonnie Brae and University Drive. Kevin Bankhead for Allegiance Hillview, Master Developer of Rayzor Ranch.
I support the Landscape Plan amendment as presented by applicant, with the landscape buffer on the north side and no connection to Colonial Drive nor Greenway Drive. Residents along Thunderbird Drive and Crest Meadow St. have in the past been very sensitive to increased through traffic. The design of Rayzor Ranch Marketplace intends for north neighborhoods to connect via Bonnie Brae and University Drive. Kevin Bankhead for Allegiance Hillview, Master Developer of Rayzor Ranch.