Meeting Time: December 15, 2021 at 5:00pm CST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda Items

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    Cynthia Bonskowski about 3 years ago

    The proposed low income housing development at Vintage Blvd and I-35W will negatively impact the value of our homes and highly likely to being increased crime to our neighborhoods. NO to this development! Further, there is no public transportation to this area to support the population served by low income housing. Nor are there any amenities within walking distance of the proposed development. NO, EMPHATICALLY NO to this development!!

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    Carl Mosier about 3 years ago

    As a homeowner in the Vintage neighborhood, I oppose the development of low income multi-unit housing adjacent to our community. My family moved to this area due to it's location away from apartment communities and this does not represent what I nor anyone in the neighborhood wishes to see added. There was no notification of this to the residents or the HOA, as the area was originally designated for a school. Please take into consideration that the Vintage neighborhood OPPOSES the request!

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    Stephanie Radcliff about 3 years ago

    Residents here do not want this! We are just now even receiving documents to look at! This is not the right area for this type of building. There aren’t even services here like stores and bus routes to support this type of residence.

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    Fred Hensley about 3 years ago

    I oppose the high density housing at Vintage and 35W. It will decrease property values significantly which will also decrease tax revenue. Schools are already over crowded and this development will have many children. Crowded classrooms decrease education quality for all. Vintage is slated to be an artery and the location of access to this complex will cause backups and be dangerous for all. A location within walking distance to retail is much more suitable for these types of residents.

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    Heather Miller about 3 years ago

    Building low income housing in a food desert is irresponsible. There is no stores within one mile and none within walking distance. The current infrastructure doesn’t support this housing venture and it is irresponsible to the existing and future community to approve this project. Despite the housing shortage in the area, building here is not the correct choice.
    Further this developer isn’t the best choice for such a project (research their history). I oppose this project.

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    Yaneisi Montemayor about 3 years ago

    As a new recent homeowner in the Vintage neighborhood, we have not been properly informed of this project. Although, this housing may help low income families, there is a lack of public transportation that families may need. It also affects the privacy of current homeowners due to it being built close to some homes. I ask for a delay in the vote until these legitimate concerns are addressed.

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    Adrienne Marshall about 3 years ago

    As a homeworker in the Vintage, we have been given little to no notice of this meeting/vote, nor of the project in general. This leaves us homeowners feeling as though our opinion and voice does not matter. This project does not take your own citizens/current taxpayers into consideration. I feel there are many holes in this planning such as lack of public transportation and no close options for food and groceries. I ask for a delay in this vote until these legitimate concerns can be addressed.